QUIX … ever expanding – going places (many, many places)

QUIX™1965 (from 1965 – 2015+) is now “all” over Facebook, with
several general accounts, and numerous business pages there.
https://www.facebook.com/quix.quixnz/ (read “about”: WEBSITE)
https://www.facebook.com/QUIX4U (aka http://www.QUIX4U.co.nz)

Or.. the “original” copyright holder of QUIX™ (Facebook Page):

There’s several others from our organisation over there too.!!!

There’s approximately 20 WordPress website’s we established.
Plus several (11 – 15) Twitter accounts, many Blogspots etc.

Plus we’ve been written about (or that we’ve written about).?
QUIX™ on Wikia.com, which is found specifically via: http://tractors.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Search?search=QUIX

See some of our Delica pictures and info, on Tractors.Wikia.com


We originally expanded onto Wikispaces itself.? (a free site).
Sadly after many years, that website has now expired.
Such that our QUIX™ info will again come to light (someday) at:
If we ever bother “UPGRADING” to a paid hosting there-in.!!

But with well over 250 – 300 FREE hosted website’s and pages
(which we have created all around the globe).
Why should we bother with a single PAID UPGRADE (there) now.?

After all “our first 2002 website PICTURE post” that still has, & thus doesn’t get, ANY direct access via our “original” 1st PAID URL of “QUIX.co.nz” via https://QUIXdotCOdotNZ.wordpress.com
It’s something which Telecom (Spark) NZ, never could provision ??

But it is still “spoken of” (over there) by going direct via or 2006 Microsoft hosted page (which is now serviced by WordPress)

“Welcome” –

U can “find” our 1965 / 1985 / 1999 / 2002-2015+ “trading mark”:
Virtually anywhere a good google SEARCH ENGINE can go:



Or.. simply hit-us-up ..?

Either on our (now several) OTHER website pages
As we now run about 250 -30+ personal &/or business profiles.

For example:
There’s several Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, Blogspot, YouTube, Google+, as well as about 250 – 300 “other” pages elsewhere.

Such as through various generic “starters” like.???



Or simply via our own Domain/s…


(there’s about 14 of these out there now)

Including our own QUIX™ access – to our “friends” in the USA
(with their Amplifier, that we eventually hope to utilise)
Hence why our WSTLNZ (initials) URL goes into their website via:

To verify all of this:
Simply head over to The (NZ Govt) New Zealand Companies Office:
Via another of our WSTLNZ “initials” URL

Surprise yourself (IN AUCKLAND), see our presence there in 2007.!
http://QUIXtm.co.nz (it’s our very own: “t/a” QUIX™ website).!

Sorry, both our “free hosted” Xanga + Wikispaces have since died.
Although .. there’s lots more places out there, where we have thus “roamed”, since going “on-line” via WAP in 2001 + PC in 2006



As they have deliberately created themselves QUIX in defiance of:
The NZ Trade Marks Act 2002
& 2/-
The New Zealand Fair Trading Act 1986.

Only one NZ Business entity, has that prior right “authority”.
Waitaki Sound Technologies Limited, NZ (t/a QUIX™) since 1999.

No “other” NZ Business has held any “right” to register our 1999 (unregistered):
Trading-As / BRAND NAME’s / LOGO’s / MARK’s of QUIX™ +/or QUIXNZ™

Especially in order to register our MARK to create NEW companies.
When they deliberately BREACHED both of those NZ Trade Enactments

About QUIX4U

Profile ? (or is that PROFILES = Plural): Here's a few of ours that are still: Searchable via our main websites: In 2002 ? (#1 was our original 2002 "QUIX.co.nz" Web-page). However we (somehow) lost it after a few years Who knows where it went - all we know is it got hidden. But it's now accessible again ... via http://QUIX.kiwi Plus we also have lots more (to be exact). 14 TLD URL's, and numerous sub-domains. Both NZ and World Wide (such as) via: http://QUIX-NZ.com http://QUIX4U.com http://QUIX4U.co.nz And there's: http://QUIXtm.co.nz It's for QUIX©™ .. "the musician". (at THE BIG IDEA - in Auckland.!!!) Then there's a couple of "self explanatory" TLD's We have these 2 = just 4 fun.!!!!!!! 1/- http://eFlowers4U.co.nz (Free-Gift-Away "electronic Flowers" 4U). + (Just as obviously - we have this) http://L84DNR.co.nz As you WILL "need a packed lunch" (with you) When you go and WATCH "over 300 videos" .!!! + Then there's the WSTLNZ "series": Such as: http://WSTLNZ.co.nz http://WSTLNZ.co http://WSTLNZ.com + http://WSTLNZtm.co.nz The T&S (plus copyrights etc., "legal" page) ~~~~~~~~~~~ We also "registered" a couple more TLD's.. But then forgot where we had "put them": Thus these two are hidden for now too. !!! ie: http://WSTL.NZ (currently "lost" somewhere) + http://WSTLNZ.nz (which also ? GOT LOST too). ~~~~~~~~~ We'll find them someday - when NOT looking for them. If & when we actually need to GO (out) and find them ~~~~~~~~~ Plus: We have lots of pressings at ? WordPress via: https://quixnz.wordpress.com https://quixdotcodotnz.wordpress.com (This is where we found - our ORIGINAL 2002 "lost page") + https://quixtrademark.wordpress.com https://quix4u.wordpress.com https://quix3d.wordpress.com https://quixinnovation.wordpress.com https://quixelectricalplumbingbuilders.wordpress.com https://quixorg.wordpress.com https://quixdownunder.wordpress.com https://quixwww.wordpress.com (made while trying to find our 2002 web page) + https://quixbuilders.wordpress.com https://quixelectrical.wordpress.com https://quixplumbing.wordpress.com https://quixrelatedtrades.wordpress.com https://tripello3d.wordpress.com https://quixnewzealand.wordpress.com https://quix4schopenhauer.wordpress.com https://quixrel8dtrades.wordpress.com Then there's? Another eflowers4U "page" http://eFlowers4U.wordpress.com http://Tripello.wordpress.com + Then there's this one - for my "101+1/2 year old" DAD His war exploits (if I ever have time to upload these)? https://n8242hec.wordpress.com Along with? Wow -- some more.. eg: http://tiny.cc/QUIX_PIX http://QUIXNZ.blogspot.com + http://tiny.cc/QUIXNZ_Trademe http://tiny.cc/QUIX_Trade And a dead one.! http://QUIX.wikispaces.com (deceased) Some faceless one's http://www.facebook.com/QUIX4U And then there's YT (YouTube) http://youtube.com/QUIX4U (via) http://L84DNR.co.nz ..... etc etc etc .. As we've (also) lost a few (others) too now.!!! Plus for 100's more forum posts and chats etc.? Such as a few extras that we've since added: (at least the one's we can REMEMBER adding) .... Goto: QUIXNZ (and thus some of our other) WWW's via: http://wp.me/P1em9I-P Our NZ & Int. (main) Trading Name/s are: QUIX©™, QUIXNZ©™, QUIX-NZ©™, QUIX4U©™, QUIX-3D©™, TRIPELLO©™, EFLOWERS4U©™, L84DNR©™, and: WSTLNZ©™ ~~~~~~~~~~ Thus all the above, are just "some" of our MANY (many) other /// Brands /// Trade Marks /// etc., Our short? QUIX©™ ("QU_ick.f_IX") list is/are as follows: WSTLNZ (trades as): QUIX, QUIXNZ, QUIX_NZ, QUIX-3D and TRIPELLO = QUIX - NZ Our ? City/Town/Locality/ (or whatever): Roxburgh, Central Otago, South Island - New Zealand. (Postal Code 9500 - for a residential street address - that you will find elsewhere) ... SNAIL_MAIL Address that to: QUIX P.O.Box 79, CBD Roxburgh. NZ Postal Code 9441 (Commercial) Owner's Occupation: CEO And Retired (thus just very ? re:) TIRED. As (unemployed) owner of "own" owned: NZ Registered Company: Waitaki Sound Technologies Limited: t/a QUIX©™ since 1999 Thus originally fully Incorporated in 1999 and thus t/a: QUIX - NZ©™ (Hinge Services Central limited) And (since a very good name change in 2012) also as: QUIXNZ©™ + WSTLNZ©™ Waitaki Sound Technologies Limited, NZ Expertise: ? Surveyor/Draughtsman / Registered Electrician / Innovator / Manufacturer / General Servicing / On-Sales / Oh - and since 1998 - a triple - FULLY PATENTED INVENTOR .......................................................................... Plus: (so says the owner in his own words): >>> I have personally, since 1965 As well as ever since 1999 (after incorporation) via my OWN (NZ) Company: Have been ... Rather "extensively involved" with all forms of R+D But most specifically, In relation to my 1965 INVENTION = an "analogue 7.ch audio" (Have tested a 25 ch SPHERICAL "surround" system). CHECK IT OUT -- He did a MONO (cell-phone video recording) of it: And uploaded the result - onto YouTube, via QUIX4U©™ (www.L84DNR.co.nz) Re: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ub0S8eTijrA Here now is a little snippet (of): The owner's (personal) comment, is as follows: About Me: I am Keith Clare. (a rather old XXY Eunuch) Owner, Sole Operator, Primary Innovator and; Patented Inventor, QUIX4U is my "generic" 1965 TRADENAME /TRADEMARK (Brand) That I 1st "coined" from quickly fixed (or as a quick fix = QUIX), Which quickly also turned into QUIX = 4 U.! (As in a "quick fix" - made for you) Which was something a Neighbour had said to me..? After I had "hand_made" an item for him (circa 1965), When he'd come to me - in desperation, (I WAS JUST 12), As he knew- I was good at making "things_work" Without the correct parts, or instruction manuals. He couldn't SOURCE a replacement agricultural "part" So I simply "made" my own QUIX version, which worked well. Thus I continue to trade as: QUIX, QUIXNZ QUIX-3D and QUIX4U Plus as: eFlowers4U, L84DNR and TRIPELLO (having always thus being = a Part-time / Sole Trader- since 1965). And then - as a separate identity. I created a NZ Company - to self run itself. Thus - both it's and my own.? Yes.. My T+C's (TRADE POLICIES) also fully comply with: All relevant NZ Trade Laws, Acts and Covenants. As well as with WIPO Copyright ((simply because)): I also do extensive research into legal specifications, Whilst investigating ALL patent and invention records. As I've done- for many, many years Prior to .. well -- about now actually.! So - check it all out.. Anywhere actually.. Via: GOOGLE SEARCH Or via a BING, YouTube or HERE (search) Although the HERE (here.com) mapping service ? It isn't all that accurate ... at present. Or ... all that truthful either - as we have found. As.. (shock horror) We've discovered that their HERE website's about section Actually "lies" ? And they aren't YET anywhere NEAR "here" (with map accuracy, nor with "up-to-date" info) As seen on their website's maps either. ;-)
This entry was posted in (NZ) ELECTRICAL, All my "WebPages" ..., Computers and Internet, Electrical, Entertainment, Health and wellness, Hobbies, Internet Security, Music, Other exciting developments, Plumbing and Builders, PLUMBING and BUILDERS TRADES, Travel, Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to QUIX … ever expanding – going places (many, many places)

  1. Amanda says:

    Hi. Is that you? Wow I had heard that you were advertising everywhere but boy oh boy, what a sleepless old fella you are becoming, or do you have an army of blond typists clattering away all day there.. ?
    As the places that you get to & where I have seen your username &or brand, are so diverse, it makes my head spin just trying to remember them all.
    Oh and by the way .. the new website looks good. But are you going to leave it as still another hidden one, or is it finally going to pop up, after what SIX years, oh wow that old…
    Ok .. I will help you, just in casde it doesnt go live either.

    “QUIX.co.nz” is now somewhere (hidden) on wordpress.

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